Infrared Scanning of Flat Roofs

Infrared Thermal Imaging Scans

Mostly aimed at commercial building flat roofs on factories and warehouses, Infrared roof scan inspections are saving millions of dollars in labor and materials for business owners nationwide.

Benefits of Infrared Thermography

Here are some benefits of using infrared thermal scans on the roofing system:

  • Flat roof leak detection for building, plants, facilities
  • Identify water damage portions of a roof quickly and accurately
  • Eliminate unnecessary replacement of good roofing
  • Plan accurate budgets based on facts
  • Document problems before the warranty/bond expires
  • Non-invasive inspection and allows inspectors to scan large areas very quickly
  • It can identify small problem areas before they become larger.
  • It provides visual documentation of problems

Thermal Scans of Roof Systems Can Identify Wet Insulation

Thermal scans of a roof system and walls can help locate wet insulation which is indicative of a failing roof system, and reduces energy efficiency of the home or building.

The thermal scan addresses the cause of the leakage, even those that go undectected with the naked eye.  If much of the insulation is wet, homeowners or building managers will have a tool to make a more informative consideration for a complete roof replacement or not.